
Integrated Personal Training: 


Are you trying to invest in yourself? Revise your health? Re-do your lifestyle?  It's definitely not too late! Personal training has always been the most effective way for someone to start and maintain a health/fitness regimen but going to the gym every single day can be overwhelming, intimidating or too time consuming.

      In Studio:
                     Come to the personal training studio for private sessions with Nicci
              2634 Industrial Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101
We'll talk about what you put in your body as fuel and make sure that everything is on track to change your habits and lifestyle.  I have helped people lose their goal weight in under their goal time-frame just by being present and available for suggestions when it comes to daily choices.

Losing weight is just the start but it is a great start to getting off those prescriptions, getting out of bed easier and feeling more energetic through out the day. I'm here to combat diabetes, high cholesterol and low energy and I'd love to help you along your journey. Save money, getting off your meds can save hundreds$$!! Train with Me! call me today

local clients only---You'll receive:
·         before and after assessments and pictures
·         incentives prizes
·         personalized programs for nutrition and fitness
·         nutrition advice and assistance: snack check, grocery shop-along, advice by text…I can talk you off the cookie cliff!

Small Group Training

2 or more participants-local clients only

Full-Service Training. This is the Nicci difference, I am with you all the way. Wake up and need motivation? Text me. Can’t decide what to have for lunch? Call me. Thought about quitting before you reached your goal? CALL ME! Don’t forget to call your friends…that’s why you train with them, for motivation!
2 people: $20/person per one hour session
3+ people: $15/person per one hour session
Results package*:    10 sessions (meet twice or three times a week)
Maintenance Package: 6 sessions (meet once a week)

*all groups must start with the results package