Transforming your body, as I tell my clients, is not easy...
or quick. Especially because we see these 'transformations' all over and they look so different-could I say, amazing?... But what we don't get from the words "before" and "After" is what we need to read between the lines. These people did not jump up off the couch and drop weight in 12 weeks, or even 6 months.
They were already primed for the transformation. Their body was jump-started and waiting for that next step. They may have already started drinking a lot more water, they may have increased their vegetables, they may have started looking into eating a bit better already...whatever the case is, they were mentally and physically ready for this transformation. Then once they started, the physical changes were easier to see because the internal and mental changes HAD ALREADY BEEN MADE. That's what I meant by "transformers...more than meets the eye" :)
When someone starts a transformation they may not see something right away because the insides are still making changes and getting on board. Once everything is on board THEN the train chugs along. Ask anyone who has been yo-yo dieting who needed to fix their metabolism (consistent healthy eating with no "dieting"). Ask anyone who started drinking more water, they gained first because their body had to hold it all before they dropped it all (..don't ask how long they spent in the bathroom). So get your mind ready, your body primed and then don't be disappointed if the "after" reflection doesn't stare back at you from the mirror in 3 weeks...keep at it...don't give up...don't stop drinking water...don't stop eating protein...don't let yourself down! Transformation pictures are inspirational to look at, present amazing stories and motivate us all but don't let them fool you...that person was not shoving pizza and soda in their mouths last week and doing 10 burpees with a 6-pack showing through after climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro today....heck, they probably weren't even jumping rope today :)
Are you still with me? Are you still making small changes and working yourself to YOUR max a few times a week? Let's see those transformations...I want December to be a month where we reveal transformations, not hide them! I'll do it. Will you?
Instagram: Nicci_fit
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