Work it Wednesday

You can do it, get up and work out, drink your water, core tight and good posture! No, I'm not talking to a client...I'm motivating myself! It's been one of those weeks and it's Wednesday, a day that most people will lose steam and only keep rolling downhill into the weekend (where we may, or may not drown our "fell off the waggon" pitty with more eating out). You get tired from work and kids and school so you put off the grocery store, then you go out to dinner because you don't have any food. Then you're too lethargic to work out. Then you just go out for lunch because you'll hit the store after work but that cuts into workout time...I know how it is. Don't let that snowball start rolling. Melt it away. Right. Now.  Life awaits you!

I, myself have been trying to do two-a-days to jump start the muscle building for the fitness contest coming up in October. But between that and Gia's teethinga (to be read: no sleep) I'm starting to get exhausted. I've been about 1- and- 1/2- a-days lately and I'm perfectly happy with that. It's not healthy to stress about your health, remember that. It will only be counterproductive. Just because I get asked by friends a lot...I'm increasing protein to fuel my muscles but also to help me stay on track while eating. Some people have taken my advice and added protein to your day and there have been pounds lost, yay! It's not just for putting on muscle but it's to help your body stay full longer your muscles burn. So take the protein challenge and add protein to every meal and snack and see how you feel. Add greek yogurt to a snack that was just carbs, peanut butter (almond butter) to your apple, shredded chicken to your salad or an egg to your breakfast.  Here's a protein packed GF (gluten free) dinner we all loved! (workout follows)

Tofu Tacos with brown rice and black beans:
 *tofu was the protein for the tacos and beans and rice combines is a complete protein which will keep you full and give your body all the amino acids needed*

1 package extra firm tofu- pressed between paper towels by a heavy pan or book or something
1 tablespoon of taco seasoning (or more, your choice)
gluten free corn tortillas (Mission Yellow Corn are my go to)
3 cups coleslaw mix
lime juice
Greek yogurt, plain
shredded cheese
olive oil/ coconut oil
Avocado- sliced

Slice the tofu in strips, about an inch wide. Brush the tofu with the oil then coat with taco seasoning and put in a non stick pan to crisp up.  While that's happening take the coleslaw and mix in a few dribbles of oil, some lime juice (about 2 tablespoons...I don't measure, I just go for it). Add to the coleslaw olives, sliced radishes, pinch of salt and pepper. Then take about a cup of Greek yogurt and mix in some lime juice, salt, pepper and tiny dash of cumin. 

The tofu should be crispy on two sides, take it and lay one or two slices in your tortilla, top with coleslaw mix, top that with greek yogurt dressing and shredded cheese (or leave off if you watch calories). You should also add some avocado either on top of that or mix with your beans and rice on the side.

 For the beans, I just take black beans and put them in the crockpot for about 5 hours, and cook brown rice on the stove top with 1 3/4 cups of water for every cup of rice for about 15 mins.

Ok, here's your at home workout..sweat and enjoy:
--High knee running, 50 high knees
--squat, step right leg wide to right and plie, step back to a squat, then step left leg to left for wide plie(add weight by holding your kid, holding weights or holding anything heavy about shoulder height)
-- 10 Push up, up up/down downs. push up then lower self onto elbows for plank then push each arm back into push up position, that's 1.
--10 mountain climbers switch to 10 bicycles- repeat this duo 10 times!
-- 5 handstand burpees... do a burpee and after the jump do a handstand. Preferably against a wall. The workout will come with the trying to get up there... Don't worry if you don't make's all in good health!

Repeat all 5 exercises as many times as you can... if you're feeling adventurous drop the number of reps (the "I'm just getting started" level) and do each exercise for 20 seconds on 10 second rest ("still gettin' it together" level) or step it up to 50 seconds on 10 seconds rest ("really wanna sweat" level).

Happy, healthy day! -Picture this while working out:
Might make it go by faster....

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