Fitness competitor, what?! Plus workout

A lot of us are goal oriented people, we need something to shoot for or to accomplish. I am that way. I always need something to go for or look forward to; a vacation, a visit from a friend, an event, a lunch date, breakfast, lunch or dinner... How ever big or small, I am always looking forward to something. So, half marathon- check. Now I need something else on my docket.

I am so much of a goals person and so much dislike running that as I was plotting my next task and coming up empty I actually considered, wait for competitions. After about 48 hours of seriously considering it and researching it to the end of the Internet- I haven't actually counted it out yet :-/

Ummm, that's right, you read that right. My half marathon goal was directly tied to my being a mom and wanting to complete my first one within a year of having a baby. (I would have it done 4 months earlier but I broke my foot so I was a month late, whatev, I did it). This "new goal" if I choose to accept it would be an accomplishment for me personally because my post baby body is so different prom my pre-baby body, like most moms- unless you're Heidi Klum or Giselle. So you might want to stay tuned because along with mom and family oriented FitTips I might be posting about that journey... Or another one if I find a better goal. We'll see.

On that note, I've seen the need to bump up or at least just vary my training so I added some different things. I have always been into HIIT training (high intensity interval training- the latest "fad") since I'm a spinner for the last 10 years. But I added sculpting moves to it.
Here's yesterday's killer:
2 mins on a spin bike or jump rope
Push ups -max reps
Walking lunges -30( 15 each leg)
Squat jumps- 12-15
Lateral raise- 10-12 directly to
Overhead press-10-12
Mountain climbers- 20 secs
* rest 15 secs in between moves and 1-2 mins between repeats. Repeat 2-5 times*

Happy HIITing

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try this new workout after addie gets up! And keep me updated on your latest/greatest goals...this one sounds exciting!
